About Ten Dollar Logo
If you were looking for affordable logo design in 2007, you may have come across a Google Ad suggesting "Designers Have Gone Crazy - Logos for $10!". The corresponding website, TenDollarLogo.com, offered one original logo, without revision, and a money-back guarantee. Luckily, I was one of the customers that responded to their sales pitch. For a little over 3 months, this short-lived Brazilian Logo Design company provided me with high-quality logos for all of my web design projects before padding their pockets with ten dollar bills and closing shop. Fast forward eight years and I was able to purchase the tendollarlogo.com domain name for my own project.
Affordable Logo Design
My short list of the best affordable Logo Design companies I have worked with.
Educational Resources
My favorite educational resources for learning logo design and web development.
My Favorite Web Hosts
My short list of web hosts that I have used and I would still recommend to others.